Harry Potter

It’s a rule then, we are only allowed to look at the all-illuminiating sunlight
and pretend that the shadows beneath the glorious skyscrapers do not exist
But every morning our little feet have to tread this street
that leads to our stage of tomorrow
carefully avoiding the dirty puddles and slippery moss
that have accumlulated for 60 years
(The sun has moved
as have the shadows)
We are expected to live in fairy tales
those innocence that the adults have lost
We’re to keep our breathe fresh
and avoid uttering those bad words and phrases
XX XX and XX, oh these are hypersensitive spells
that could alter the wind of prayers
and cut open the colors of our skins
Spells that could crumble our high walls
and bleed our blood into rivers
As if we could grow tall all of a sudden
and burst the bubble of harmony
(The shadows have moved
the sun isn’t the sun we once knew)
Aren’t we expected to grow up?
To eventually walk out of these high walls
and enter the world
to build the homeland of our dreams?
But those borders which we are supposed to eradicate
thorns grow on them, as the adults chant the forbidden spells in silence
and infect us with outdated fears
Is it because, maybe, that the light we long for
is just too bright for our eyes?
(The sun has moved
the shadows are still there
on the other side)
Our lives are still bound by the rules within the walls
written on the walls:
Tidak boleh menyentuh isu-isu sensitif seperti XX, XX dan XX
2018.06.09 Performed at If Walls Could Talk.
Originally in Chinese: 《哈利波特》